"I am completely amazed, enthusiastic and enchanted by these revelations which make the bridge in me between feelings, deep convictions, and wounds difficult to name and which light up.
“I had already, a few years ago, had my astrological chart made, I learned a lot of interesting things there. Today with the natal and numerological chart, it is a new stage of understanding my personal dynamics of incarnation. As I am 58 years old, I see the fabric of my life appear, its common thread, and I am happy to see that I am really on my way of life, many experiences take on meaning... The contribution of galactic astrology is essential, it allows me to better understand certain issues of my incarnation or blockages, and to see how I can have support to transcend them. I really recommend this fine and relevant reading by Elodie, for those who need to gain perspective on their life path, better understand the meaning of their incarnation, of their life mission...”
Isabelle, Shiatsu & Qi Gong practicionner and teacher, France
"Elodie is a brilliant reader and guide into this field and I am so grateful for her contribution to my personal growth, development and self-awareness."
“I have nothing but full compliments for Elodie's work on the compilation of my Galactic Astrology report.
As this was my first time receiving or hearing about a Galactic Astrology report, I was not sure about the background, history and understandings around what to expect. I went in blind and was beautiful led through the darkness into light.
Clear, concise and descriptive, Elodie guided me through my Galactic history with effortless ease and clarity. Her writing style is eloquent and efficient. Not a word was misplaced or misused. There was not a whole load of jargon or descriptive verbatim (which tends to make things hard for me to read personally and can seem too frivolous) yet conveyed a lot in sufficiently little words.
I loved her femininity and approach in approaching delicate subjects of challenges in my life. I am extremely impressed with her tapping into the Akashic Records while putting together this Astrology report. She provided a well-rounded, balanced and structured report which also provided real applicable points that I can take into my life today.
I feel very blessed and touched by Elodie and her gift. I believe she has a wonderful talent in the field of Astrological work. I believe she has a wonderful connection to the dimensional realms and star systems' guides.
As I know this is just the start of her journey into this realm, I believe it's an incredible start and suggests string capacity for mastery.
Elodie is a brilliant reader and guide into this field and I am so grateful for her contribution to my personal growth, development and self-awareness.
Thanks to her report, i have learnt a lot about my galactic history, galactic selves and also my soul purpose and service. This is a very integrated report and Elodie's personal touch made, what could be a very complicated understanding, easy and digestible.
I love her work and would recommend it to all who wish to have a well-rounded and applicable understanding about their Galactic Histories.”
Calista, Akashic Soul Reading Practicioner and Teacher, Bangkok
"With this information, Elodie facilitates awe, wonderment, expansion, and gratitude"
"In my many years of studying astrology and also exploring the brilliant conclusions of geneticists and anthropologists who dared defy the existing orthodoxy and narrative, my knowledge base and soul growth have immensely expanded. Thus, I was super excited to discover the newest form of astrology, Galactic Astrology, which informs you of your own specific Galactic History!
This fascinating report by Elodie detailing my Galactic History using my astrological natal chart was enthusiastically welcomed as my next step in soul expansion and remembrance of my ancient lineage and journeys through the eons. There were many surprises for me with names and places I never knew existed! I heartily recommend using the services of Elodie as she puts a lot of effort and time into her Galactic History report. With this information, Elodie facilitates awe, wonderment, expansion, and gratitude."
A. Neal
"it spoke into me like it was calling back pieces and parts of my existence that I have felt, but had no words for. And I sit here writing this, feeling access to much more of Who I Am thanks to what she brought to my attention. "
"I received my “Soul’s Journey” Basic Quantum Astrology reading from Elodie 3 weeks ago, and I must say it spoke into me like it was calling back pieces and parts of my existence that I have felt, but had no words for. And I sit here writing this, feeling access to much more of Who I Am thanks to what she brought to my attention.
Elodie does not simply cut and paste things from an astrology program, and string them together for you. The report reads like a live intuitive reading that is being channeled just for you. Full of empathy, love and appreciation for who you are. And what blew me away, were that the two biggest themes in my report, were things that two different very attuned intuitives had told me in this last year about my galactic heritage (from out of the blue as I never asked for that)…things I had never heard before from anyone, and now Elodie’s report named them, and offered even more detail and insight into these matters.
And all of this from just the basic Tier 1 Report. I can’t wait to see the Tier3!
This report has opened up access within, to more of me, in ways that felt cosmically guided and so timely. Indeed, it is time for us all to remember who we are, and Elodie’s work can offer you insights into aspects of your multi-dimensional self that are ready to come back online again.
Thank you Elodie and Julia Balaz for this beautiful contribution to our next steps!! With Love."
Padma Peggy McAllister
"I have now read through your report completely and wish you could have seen me nodding along. It is so amazing! I can only say that it fully resonates, it is absolutely me and my life. I couldn't stop agreeing to every single theme. I was internally ticking all the boxes!"
"I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a new perspective on themselves, with or without a background in astrology!"
“In a very big, yet subtle way things are falling into place thanks to your impactful and highly appreciated work, Elodie. I needed your report to understand how this lifetime is offering me the possibility for closing a cycle and re-connecting. I had been sensing it for a while, now I have a beautiful layout of the actual dimensions this spans.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
Yvonne, Germany
"I have had several astrology themes but nothing compared with this work. It was absolutely fascinating! The soul reading was spot-on and resonates strongly with most of the events of my life. I also love the healing suggestions and conscious adjustments to make in order to live your life at its full potential. And just be what you are ought to be! Thank you Elodie for your insights."
Carole, Lagos, Nigeria
"Elodie offered with her profound knowledge and explanations new possibilities for me to merge with my Soul. The inner nudges I followed during my earthly life were guided in a new foundation of trust.
I love to integrate this information, as more tangible than the insights I had until now. I would highly recommend to work with Elodie to make the next step on your spiritual journey and to become more of the empowered, loving spirit in action on Earth!"
Gudrun Krivanec, Vienna
"This report feels so spot on, and must be re-read several times. It broadens the view of your horoscope and gives an explanation to all those inner hunches and nudges and unexplainable longings and preferences in this life.
It contributes to a refreshing feeling of grounding and true north as well as feeling like a galactic citizen, historically. It is a wonderful way of getting to know more about your soul’s past journey. Elodie elaborates in this report with an empathic and eloquent warmth, and I cannot thank her enough."
Henriette, Norway
"Each time I have read through the report, I have felt uplifted and inspired"
“Thank you so much for my awesome reading. I am finding it so insightful and helpful, and it resonates on so many levels. It also validates certain perceptions and intuitions that have been surfacing of late.
The report is so detailed and comprehensive - in fact it is so much more than I anticipated. I found the Galactic History sections fascinating, and it is very useful that you have suggested several books for further reading, which I'm sure I will follow up on.
I really appreciate your insights on how to best work with and utilize the energies and potential in my chart. Also, the information about future trends is very encouraging.
Each time I have read through the report, I have felt uplifted and inspired. I know it will be a resource I will return to again and again. I am so grateful for your counsel.
With deep gratitude and all good wishes.”
Christine, Whales
"I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a new perspective on themselves, with or without a background in astrology!"
“My astrology report was a surprise. Not only was it much more detailed and longer than I imagined, it also gave me new words to think about who I am. Going through the report felt like learning a new language, entering a new library, discovering things I previously didn't have words for. It helped me shine a light on parts of myself that had stayed in the shadows before. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a new perspective on themselves, with or without a background in astrology!”
Paul, journalist, Hong Kong & United States
"Thank you for the mind-blowing report. I am absolutely amazed!"
"Thank you for the mind-blowing report. I am absolutely amazed! I have read it through once, and need to do so again, and many times more as there is a lot to process. So much of it resonated, I don't know where to begin. Your reading of my early childhood and formative years was spot on. Indeed, I have had these blocks and am still working on overcoming them. At the same time, I do feel ready and have a strong desire to take the next steps in my mission, to become who I am meant to be, as you quite insightfully advised.
Regarding my relocation to California, you are right in that it marked a key period in my life, where I was awakening to the holographic nature of this matrix, and becoming aware of the power we all have to shape our reality. It was around this time I began writing fiction in the form of graphic novels, which brings me to the galactic soul history part of your report. What you revealed is so fascinating in the context of previous writing I have done! Believe me, I had no conscious inkling at the time of my past lives, or even that I had past lives, let alone in other worlds. When you said that I had been a spiritual teacher/healer, mystic, and lone traveler, it blew my mind. The first character I wrote about was exactly that! She had the ability to travel interdimensional, and on top of that, she had a jaded outlook and lived a hermit existence, concealing her true name and identity, due to past negative experiences. This fits perfectly with your description of my soul history as an intergalactic traveler, and the energy I carried into this life. What remarkable synchronicity! I have heard of subconscious recall, but here is undeniable evidence of it, truly amazing. All this time, I thought I was writing fiction haha.
I cannot thank you enough for this report. It validated many things I always felt in my heart was true, and revealed a lot of other things I had no idea about, but am very glad to learn. And it has inspired me to explore further, to unravel more of this fascinating, never-ending puzzle."
Ju, California, USA
"So many things about this resonates with me, tear and recognition has swept over me. Loved it!"
This has been a fascinating experience, and I felt the soul reading was very spot on! It answered many questions I've had around why I am the way I am, and it took me by surprise how much it resonated with me and evoked all kinds of emotions <3 Thank you for this beautiful piece of work, Elodie.
Synne, Norway
"The advices and directions offered by Elodie helped me move forward and guide me. Thank you, Elodie, for all the attention and heart you put into putting together this very professional and profound report!"
The report brought to light in a very clear way the past and present difficulties that I am facing in my life, which pleasantly surprised me!
It also reassured me to see that these difficulties are completely normal and aligned with my journey, that these are precisely the themes that I have chosen to experience and transcend. These are difficulties to overcome in order to evolve and that well-being settles. This motivated me to take up the challenge with more lightness and less fatality.
The reading is clear and I found it reassuring to read myself and recognise myself in these analyses and astral placements. The advices and directions offered by Elodie helped me move forward and guide me. They are applicable, and were evident to me.
My overall theme around family is totally in line with my path so far. This information had already been revealed to me at a different time by other intuitive people.
Thank you, Elodie, for all the attention and heart you put into putting together this very professional and profound report!
Alice, Naturopath, France
"It was truly empowering to recognise myself and my patterns and to be able to trace their galactic origins."
“Elodie's report on my soul's galactic journey gave me a deeper, more multi-dimensional picture of myself and my soul's mission. It was truly empowering to recognise myself and my patterns and to be able to trace their galactic origins. The galactic report adds a new, broader dimension to the traditional horoscopes.”
Vera, Sweden
"Elodie's Soul Journey Report sheds a light on one's path by giving precious guidance and profound insights, encompassing galactic connections, karmic themes and higher guidance as well as the soul's signature gifts and development plans. Elodie's words resonated and helped so inspirationally that I can only recommend her to anyone seeking their truth."
Victor, Student,Switzerland
"I absolutely love your report! You are spot on with your assessments. I find it very fascinating."
"I absolutely love your report! You are spot on with your assessments. I find it very fascinating. It all certainly seems to resonate with me. I have been told by a wonderful (and extremely humble) clairvoyant medium and shaman, that I came from the Pleiades Star System, and that I spent many lifetimes in Atlantis as a master teacher, as well as resided in Lemuria. I have not heard of some of the other star beings but find your information on them quite fascinating. I will go over the report again. It contains much valuable information. I can't thank you enough for your analysis. This is certainly an exciting field of astrology!"
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your report! This reading was wonderful as it gave me chills and seemed to confirm a deep feeling deep inside me.
This reading opened my eyes and confirmed my idea of ​​continuing in spirituality, metaphysics and the development of my consciousness and possibilities.
It is truly fascinating and wonderful! Thank you again for this wonderful gift.”
Sandrine, France
“The Galactic history report you completed on me is completely fascinating.
It confirms much of what I know and have experienced thus far in my current life but also surprised me with new discoveries about myself. Your words on my shoulder purpose this time around were especially affirming and helpful.
Thank you so much!”
Dan, Winsconsin, USA
“Thank you very much!, it was worth the wait :) I’ve been reading the report and there is so much information!
It resonates with me, it is amazing how you got to see my soul and journey even in this life time, the challenges, the lessons, life experiences… sometimes I wanted to cry and others just laugh at all.
I see the evolution and the wisdom in this path and it is the desire of my heart to continue growing and learning, now with a better understanding. ”
Diana, Norway
“The Galactic Astrology report I received from Elodie is magnificent!
It is truly the most in-depth and accurate picture of my character, personality and life that I have experienced in an Astrology reading. I printed my report and have read it three times, each time seeing new information and receiving new insights.
I look forward to my follow-up meeting with Elodie where she can shed light on a few questions and help navigate this incredible information.
Thank you, Elodie, for your perception and vision. ”
Miriam V, Arizona, USA
"Elodie..I cannot thank you enough for the work you have done on this report...it resonated deeply as well as blew me away!
It has greatly broadened the scope of things i have always known, added new things that were a surprise (but after feeling them within, were not really that surprising).
It opened my mind up to way more possibilities and added a richness to the fabric of my perceptions of life here in this world..i loved it!
Thank you again!"
Tina, New Mexico, USA
"Elodie gave me new insight concerning my planetary chart guided and me through my circuitous galactic story. She even went to the effort of calculating a unique alignment. I never would have found this one on my own. Elodie was able to synthesize many aspects into a sensitive interpretation of challenges and goals in this lifetime. Her work was key to my understanding."
Carol, Ireland
" I contacted Elodie to get My Soul's Journey Through This Galaxy and Galactic Connections. I am very satisfied with the result, it's really Wow. She doesn't know me and made a description of who I am, it's really extraordinary. She does a fabulous job and with a love that we feel despite the distance.
She is very respectful and responded very well to my request.
Elodie answered in this “book” many of my questions that made me realize the importance of this life on earth, and I am very grateful. It is an experience to live and which brings a balm to the heart. I highly recommend it and you will be very impressed. Anyway, I am. Thank you very much Elodie."
Danielle, Quebec, Canada
"Thank you deeply for your accurate, deep, subtle, beneficial, enlightening, precise reports. They make you want to get your hands dirty, to do the work. Their presentation is bright and elegant."
Jennifer, France
"This report is a revelation to me. Finally I feel like I know who I am. This report resonated with me and shows me a clear path of what I need to work on to thrive."
Josianne, Québec
" The journey of our soul is fundamental to know. It completes Psychology, which is also fundamental, in order to know ourselves, to understand all the mechanisms that are at play, both in the human, societal, collective, individual and pathological aspects.
It is the same process on Earth as in other galactic civilizations. You will be able to gain height and an incredible higher perspective, unlocking, thanks to the gigantic work, research, talent and gifts of Elodie.
Our Soul is the very essence of Life, following it becomes an imperative, discovering it, as well as its journey and its experiments will undoubtedly be part of future lessons. Our past is linked to the present and the present is an infinite field of possibilities for future paths, which are also infinite."
Laurence, France
"The precision and accuracy of your analysis is truly impressive"
“The analysis described in this report is very precise, it accurately reflects the being that I am with my weaknesses, my shortcomings and my positive points.
The details are of great importance to me, it will allow me to do a lot of work on myself to continue my journey for a better life but also for relationships with others.
It is with an open mind and heart that I read and reread it in order to immerse myself in it for my development, to move from the being that I am to the one that I want to be tomorrow, and to apprehend the future with serenity and peace of mind.
I already knew what astrology could bring us, but did not show how much it could reveal to us.
The precision and accuracy of your analysis is truly impressive.
For all this I recommend you to all those who want such astrological analyses.
Once again, many thanks for your excellent work.
Marcel, Briancon, France
"Elodie's reports are full of truth, and of advices that are on point. I have learned so much more about my soul and how to understand myself better."
“I was never a big believer in astrology, mostly because I never really educated myself on the subject. However lately I have been drawn to understand more about my true self and my journey, and signs in my life kept telling me I have lessons to learn. I did some research and found out about galactic archives and how astrology can tell you so much about your soul and its challenges and strengths. I found Elodie's page and asked for her help to look into my journey : she provided a galactic report and a birth chart report.
I must say that she highlighted many aspects of myself that I knew were there but I would never have known how important they are in my life decisions and how much they impact my choices.
She was also able to stress several key character traits that can help me understand how to grow as a person in this life but how to evolve as a soul in general. I understand that even though in this life we tend to forget our true nature, it doesn't disappear ! I learned that some things that I brushed away as insignificant actually should be considered as essential parts of my journey to evolve.
Elodie's reports are fulled of truth, and of advices that are on point. I feel a bit more confident in developing some capacities I have been denying most of my life and most importantly I have learned so much more about my soul and how to understand myself better.
Thanks Elodie !!!”
Manon, Key Account manager, Belgium
"Elodie couldn't have been a better choice for me as interpreter. She has a free-spirited, judgment-free way about her that immediately reassured me into making this self-learning journey with her."
“Pleasantly surprised to see how thorough and consciously thought-out my reading was. With the benefit of 2 reports, I got insight to myself I never would have thought to pinpoint. The birth chart really homed in on aspects of my personality and social interactions I was totally unaware of-or even afraid to confront. For so many of us who are trauma-affected individuals, it was a gentle way to open myself up to developing self awareness.
Elodie couldn't have been a better choice for me as interpreter. She has a free-spirited, judgment-free way about her that immediately reassured me into making this self-learning journey with her. It was clear from the start she was determined to help me get through some tribulations and she made herself available at all times to talk through any part of the reading I needed clarity on. I only had a rough estimate of my birth time, so she went the extra mile to generate multiple readings based on different points of my birth hour.
Knowing this type of work is very time-consuming, not many people would put in the extra effort to make sure my needs were met caught.. but Elodie certainly did. She takes her work seriously. I reread my birth chart every so often because it's so spot-on and gives me incredible guidance when I have moments of self-doubt.”
Elizabeth, Marketing & PR, USA